140 years ago today - Mar 25, 1873

[Patriarchal Blessings] [Patriarchal Blessing of Samuel Reber given by William G. Perkins on March 25, 1873]

... You will see the sea move off to the north and the two great continents coming together; then you will feel the earth reeling to and from [fro] like a drunken man. And if you should desire it you shall have an inheritance in your native land.

You will go to the center stake and work on that temple that shall be reared in this generation. You will see that finished off and dedicated unto the Lord your Redeemer. You will enter into that house with your wives, you will redeem your dead. You will labor and do a great work in that house for them. You will have power to call your dead forth, you will be blessed in all our [of] your labors, for your labors will be for the building up of Zion upon this earth. You will have your lamp trimmed and burning when the cry is made, -"Behold, the Bridegroom cometh! Go ye out to meet Him.-" You will be caught up to meet him and return with Him to His Holy temple, and the door will be shut. There you will hear great howling and lamentation. There you will see a cloud by day over that house, and a pillar of fire by night. ...

[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]

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