Today in Mormon History - Feb 19

Today in Mormon History ...

Wilford Woodruff, on a mission in England, "dreamed that I saw men & children killed to be eat[en] because of the soreness of a famine." William Clayton writes in his diary: "Got a letter from Brother Heath. Sister Poole has been and says Susan is jealous of Thomas [Miller]. He wants her out of the way. If she was to die he would be married again in 3 months &c. Thomas wanted to know who he would be married to &c. She would not tell him. He says he will not go to his work untill she does tell him and she says she will not. Thomas is very much troubled &c. Thomas has practiced kissing all in the house before he goes to bed &c. Went to Bewshers to dinner. She gave me a pint of Porter." (1)
-- 170 years ago - Feb 19, 1840

Government of Cook Islands issues postage stamp honoring Osborne J. P. Widsoe, first LDS missionary there in 1899. (1)
-- 20 years ago - Feb 19, 1990

[Joseph Smith Sermon] The Council assembled pursuant to adjournment. Joseph Smith Jnr. opened the council by reading the 3rd chap of of [sic] Lord's prophecy, and prayer. After which he arose before the council, and said that he had labored the day before with all the strength and wisdom that he had given him in making the corrections necessary in the last council minutes, which he would now read before the this council. He asked the council for their attention, that they might rightly judge upon the truth and propriety of these minutes, as all were equally interested in them &c. He also urged the necessity of prayer, that the Spirit might be given, that the things of the spirit might be judged thereby; because the carnal mind cannot discern the things of God &c.... (2)
-- 19Feb34

1 - On This Day in Mormon History,
2 - The Parallel Joseph,

-- Tour through Mormon history:

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