Today in Mormon History - Feb 13

Today in Mormon History ...

CHRISTIANITY TODAY article: "Mormons Stand Pat; Forbid Black Males to Become Priests". (1)
-- 40 years ago - Feb 13, 1970

At a testimony meeting with Apostles John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff presiding Isaac Laney tells of being shot 17 times at Hauns Mill. He tells that the night before the Haun's Mill massacre (17 Mormons were killed by a Missouri mob) he had "dreamed a shower of serpents was all around him in the air rattle snakes & that many of them bit him all over his body but he was told that if he would not fall down but keep running that they would not hurt him. . . .Brother Laney testified that when he was shot this dream was fulfilled. When the Balls pierced his body through & through it did not hurt him more than the scratch of a pin although he bled at the mouth like an ox with his throat Cut." (1)
-- Feb 13, 1861

[Anointed Quorum] Thursday prayer circle meeting of "the Twelve and others" in "the Temple." Heber C. Kimball apparently also listed unendowed people who attended an after meeting social: "Br. Woodard, Br. Vance," and their wives (HC, HCK). (2)
-- Feb 13, 1845

1 - On This Day in Mormon History,
2 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45

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