[William Clayton]
At 5 minutes to 9 o clock A.M. commenced washing and anointing . . .
At a quarter to 10 o clock the president called the brethren together who had Volunteered to assist in administering the ordinances this day and made the following appointments...
At a quarter to 11 o clock the bell was rung and commenced receiving those washed and anointed this morning through the lower and middle departments, the following persons officiating, viz. In the upper department John Taylor as Number 1 Amasa Lyman as number 2 Erastus Snow as number 3. In the middle department. Orson Hyde as number 1 Franklin D. Richards as number 2 Lucius N. Scovil as Number 3 W. W. Phelps as number 4 And George A. Smith as prompter . . .
About half after 8 o clock the president made a selection of men to assist in the ordinances tomorrow and also a list of brethren to be here on Wednesday to receive their endowment.
At 20 minutes to 10 President B. Young, H. C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, Amasa Lyman, George Miller, George A. Smith, John D. Lee and Franklin D. Richards retired to President Young's room being clothed and having offered up the signs of the Holy Priesthood offered up prayers President Young being mouth. At 5 minutes after 10 o clock they dismissed part retiring to their homes and ...
As on the days previous the most perfect harmony and good feeling prevailed. President Young superintended and directed all the movements of the day also selected those who should come on Wednesday assisted by Elder Kimball ...
[George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://bit.ly/WilliamClayton]
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