Today in Mormon History - Feb 18

Brigham Young's office journal records: "President Young, & Orson Hyde had discussed the treatment for the cure of the Croup in children. The President said his [sic] medicine for the cure of the Croup was lobelia Consecrated oil & molasses. He remarked it was in the nature of lobelia to draw the disease to the stomach, and then puke it off He remarked lobelia should be used carefully because it was a stimulant, and after using large doses people felt exhausted. If a man had a sore upon [h]is foot the lobelia would wither throw the desease out, or draw the disease to the stomach and then puke it out. Br[other] O. Hyde remarked that Spirits of Turpentine was very good for Croup." (1)
-- 150 years ago today - Feb 18, 1861

[Apostle Heber J. Grant Diary] At 11:30 attended a meeting at the Gardo of some of the leading brethren and there was a long chat on the Political situation at Ogden and it was the opinion of those present that it would be a good thing for the people at Ogden to accept of the proposition that had come to them from the leading men in the Liberal party and that they divide on National Political lines. The Presidency, Presiding Bishoprick, AH Cannon and myself of the Apostles were present in addition to those from Ogden. (2)
-- 120 years ago today - Feb 18, 1891

President Spencer W. Kimball and King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV break ground for the Nuku'alofa Tonga Temple. Nearly seven thousand attend the ceremony. (3)
-- 30 years ago today - Feb 18, 1981

1 - This Day in Mormon History,
2 - Diary Excerpts of Heber J. Grant,
3 - The Woodland Institute 'On This Day Historical Database,'

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