Today in Mormon History - Feb 17

John W. Taylor appeals to Joseph F. Smith to re-convene theocratic Council of Fifty to protect Taylor and other "co-religionists" from polygamy investigations by Twelve. Smith's notation on letter: "Not granted[-]I think the demand most absurd." (1)
-- 100 years ago today - Feb 17, 1911

[Joseph Smith Diary] 17th Wednesday the 17th Attend[ed] the School and read and translated with my class as usual. My Soul delights in reading the word of the Lord in the original and I am determined to persue the study of languages untill I shall become master of them if I am permitted to live long enough. [Or] at any rate, so long as I do live, I am determined to make this my object and with the blessing of God I shall succe[e]d to my sattisfaction.

This evening Elder [Joseph] Coe called to make some ar[r]angements about the Egyptian records and the mummies. He proposes to hire a room at J[ohn] Johnson's Inn and ex[h]ibit them there from day to day at certain hours, that some benefit may be derived from them. I complied with his request and only observed that they must be managed with prudence and care, especially the manuscripts. (2)
-- 175 years ago today - Feb 17, 1836

In the First District Court, at Provo, Thos. Woolley, of Pleasant Grove, Utah Co., was sentenced by Judge Blackburn to one month's imprisonment and $200 fine, for u.c. [Unlawful Cohabitation, I.E. living with a polygamous wife] (3)
-- 120 years ago today - Feb 17, 1891 (Tuesday)

1 - This Day in Mormon History,
2 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1835-36
3 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology

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