130 years ago today - Sep 11, 1892

St. George, Utah stake leaders proudly report that only 20 percent of its young men smoke tobacco. Apostle Francis M. Lyman preaches to the St. George stake conference: "in Prest Brigham Young's time an effort was made to make a certain man as Bp of the 3rd Wd Salt Lake City. Bro Young named him and would not have him and he was not their President. Prest. Woodruff felt desirous to having a certain man ordained a Patriarch in Parowan Stake but the people did not want him and would not and did not have him. This indicates the liberty of the Latter Day Saints."

At priesthood meeting, Lyman "referred to the disappointment of Pres Woodruff on discovering that there was not influence enough with the Presidency and Twelve to put one Republican in the Legislature. I felt the time would come when we would wish that we were not so fanatically Democratic."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

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