80 years ago today - Jan 14, 1945

[Spencer W. Kimball]
[Int St. George, Utah:] Coming home we heard some interesting stories as also going down. Bro. Kirkham of his being called by his good old friend Emmeline B. Wells to her room where she lived at the Hotel Utah. 'Oscar, go get Heber to come to administer to me.' Pres. Grant was occupied and could not come but sent J. Golden Kimball back with Oscar to take care of the ordinance. As they entered the room she said: 'Well, is that the best you could do?' with some disgust. J. Golden walked up to the bed and some what showing in his voice that he was irate. 'Do you want a blessing from the Lord?' 'Yes. Of course I do!' she said. 'Well, shut up,' he said 'or I won't give it to you.'

[Spencer W. Kimball Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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