120 years ago today - Jan 26, 1905

[James E. Talmage journal]
Certain members of the [Senate] Committee (Burrows who is the Chairman, and Dubois) have tried persistently to obtain from witnesses a description of the temple or endowment ceremonies. One J. H. Wallis . . . and a few other apostates from the Church have professed to give details as to these sacred ceremonies, but have presented their evidence in so garbled and false a form as to disprove itself. Particular attention has been given to alleged 'oaths' and prescribed penalties for divulging the same. Reed Smoot has been virtually lost sight of in the case, it is the Church that is assailed. The opinion of the attorneys for Smoot is that their 'case' is in good condition. I am not so confident as to the outcome.

[Chronology of the Life and Work of James E. Talmage, J. Trevor Antley, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MJsHY83JZL_n6CjWq11y1trT_CVXMMXAx2uYOWAwn0c/edit#heading=h.2zfdaoa]

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