200 years ago today - Jan 25, 1825

Rev. George Lane presents a detailed account of the Palmyra-area revival's progress focusing on how youth were especially affected: "From Catharine I went to Ontario circuit, where the Lord had already begun a gracious work in Palmyra. . . . About this time it appeared to break out afresh. Monday evening, after the quarterly meeting, there were four converted, and on the following evening, at a prayer meeting at Dr. Chase's, there were seven. Among these was a young woman by the name of Lucy Stoddard." Lucy Stoddard's brother Calvin later marries Joseph Smith's sister Sophronia. Calvin joins the Baptists but is later cut off when he affiliates with Mormonism. Lane, according to Joseph Smith's brother William, was the one who suggested the text from James ("If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God") to Joseph Smith when Joseph was unsure of which church to join. Lane began his service in the Palmyra area the year before.

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