165 years ago today - January 28th 1860

Elder Orson Pratt called upon the President in relation to last evenings proceedings [a debate between Orson Pratt and Brigham Young on the character of God], Bro Orson admitted he was excited; and for the future would omit such points of doctrine in his discourses that related to the Plurality of Gods. &c but would confine himself to the first principles of the Gospel ...

The President remarked to Bro Orson that much false doctrine arose out of arguing upon false premises, such as supposing something that does not exist, as a God without his attributes, as they cannot exist apart. Bro Orson replied "that many of his doctrinal arguments had been advanced while he was in England in answer to the numerous enquiries that were made of him by reasoning men. The President remarked when questions have been put to me, by opposers, who did not want to hear the simple Gospel Message. he would not answer them and asked Orson why he was not as careful to observe the revelations given to preach in plainness and simplicity as to so strenuously observe the doctrines in other revelations.

[Brigham Young (Office) Diary as quoted in Quotations Dealing with the Relationship of Our First Earthy Parents to Our Heavenly Parents (1830-1978)]

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