110 years ago today - Jan 28, 1915

The subject of the erection of a Sunday School building in Ogden [Utah] for the Deaf Mutes was briefly considered, plans for the proposed building by the architect having been submitted, to cost $20,000., and its furniture to cost $1500. The proposition to erect this building was referred to a committee consisting of Pres[iden]t. Lyman, George Albert Smith and David O. McKay. ... A lengthy communication read from the Presidencies of the three Ogden [Utah] Stakes, giving a brief history of the erection of the Thomas D. D. Memorial Hospital in Ogden, and stating that the Thomas D. Dee Memorial Association are unable any longer to carry the institution. The three Stake Presidencies propose to have the Hospital turned over to them, if the Church can make an appropriation of $15,000. towards meeting indebtedness of the hospital, amounting in all to $20,000 they to raise the balance of $5000., and as the annual deficit of the institution has amounted to $2000., they expressed the opinion
that this amount, should they fail to make the hospital self-supporting, might be raised through public subscription. On motion of Bro[ther]. Grant, it was decided to refer the proposition contained in this communication to the same committee appointed to consider the erection of the Sunday School building for the deaf mutes, namely, Pres[iden]t. Lyman, George Albert Smith and David O. McKay, with the Presiding Bishopric added, who are to investigate and report with recommendations later. ...

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

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