[Patriarchal Blessing of Susan E. J. Martineau]
.... before the earth was thou didst shout hosanna that it would be thy privilege to come forth in this dispensation to assist in bringing forth and establishing Zion preparatory to a reign of peace upon the earth. To this end the Father blessed thee and sent thee as with a crown of glory upon thy head, that through thee mighty men and women should live upon the earth to be prophets, seers and mighty men ...
Thou has earnestly sought to fulfill the Law of Sarah ... of the mothers and matrons of Zion thou shalt stand among those who are the most honored, because of the words of wisdom and comfort that as rubies shall fall from thy lips. ... when the meek shall flee unto Zion in the great day of tribulation, thou shalt feed the hungry, clothe the naked and give shelter to the homeless...
And when because of wickedness the cities of the land shall become desolate, thou, together with thy husband and all thy family shall go forth to inhabit the cities that are desolate, and to inhabit the waste places. ... his angels shall camp around thee, to be as thy companions. His arms shall sustain thee, his hand shall lead thee. His spirit shall fill thy heart with consolation and joy continually, while the visions of heaven shall be opened unto thee, to rebuke aff[l]iction, to command the Destroyer that no power shall invade thy habitation to destroy thy peace or take away thy loved ones.
Years shall be multiplied upon thy head, and thou shalt live even to the fullness of thy desires; and it is thy privilege to assist in the work both for the living and the dead, in the holy temple that shall be reared in Zion; to strike hands with the Son of Man when He shall descend to his holy temple ... Thy inheritance shall be forever in Zion, which thou shalt receive with thy companion and family when the Ancient of Days shall sit. ...
[Patriarchal Blessing of Susan E. J. Martineau by Benjamin F. Johnson on January 30, 1890]
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