185 years ago today - Jan 20, 1840

[Wilford Woodruff]
.... I was called upon with my Brethren to visit a child possessed of the Devil that endeavored to destroy the child. It was the child of the Woman that was possessed with the Devil upon whom we lade hands Saturday evening. We lade hands upon the child that was reathing under the power of the Deavil & commanded the Devil to Depart in the name of Jesus Christ & it was instantly done & the child fell asleep.

+ Among the signs that are appearing in the heavens & earth in fulfillment of the word of God & that the Saints are noticing & prophesying off the following one is worthy of Notice. KANTURK Dec 26 1839. Second and most extraordinary Removal of a Bog Near Kanturk. The account given under the above head states that 300 acres of Colonel Longford's bog land rose up from its mighty bed & travled with the rapidity of a steam engine for the distance of 4 miles carrying destruction in its progress rising in angry surges like the ungovernable sea leaving 10 feet of earth upon the earth or land in many places as it passed over. 1,200 acres was coverd 10 feet & 12 acres 30 feet. *

I lade hands upon 8 sick persons & prayed with them ...

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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