Today in Mormon History - Sep 22

Today in Mormon History ...

[Diary of Second Counselor John Henry Smith] Salt Lake City
The following brethren met at 10 a.m.: A. H. Lund, myself, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant, Hyrum M. Smith, Reed Smoot, Charles W. Penrose, Geo. F. Richards, Orson F. Whitney, David O. McKay, Joseph F. Smith Jr. and Geo. F. Gibbs.
We went through routine business. Read letters and considered G. C. Parkinson case. We were together most of the day. (1)
-- 100 years ago - Thursday, Sep 22, 1910

Joseph blesses to David Whitmer, John Whitmer, John Corrill, and William W. Phelps, with Oliver Cowdery recording. Oliver then prays for a blessing to give to Joseph and reports the heavens were opened to him. He writes "part of that which was shown and declared." Oliver gives Joseph a lengthy "patriarchal blessing." Not recorded until October 3, 1835. Included is the following: The records of past ages and generations, and the histories of ancient days shall he bring forth: even the record of the Nephites shall he again obtain, with all those hid up by Mormon, and others who were righteous, and any others, till he is overwhelmed with knowledge. No precious thing shall slumber from his possession, for he shall be covered with the most choice of all ages. till his soul shall be satisfied and his heart shall say, Enough, Enough! In his hands shall the Urim and Thummim remain and the holy ministry and the keys of the evangelical priesthood, also for an everlasting priesthood for
ever, even the patriarchal; for behold, he is the first patriarch in the last days. He shall sit in the great assembly and general council of patriarchs, and execute the will and commandment of God under the direction of the Ancient of Days; for he shall have his place and act in his station. (2)
-- 175 years ago - Sep 22, 1835

[Diary of Apostle John Henry Smith] Salt Lake City
President L. Snow and others had a talk with Simon Bamberger over Railway matters.
Rudger Clawson and I left for Rexburg at 10:50 p.m. (1)
-- 110 years ago - Saturday, Sep 22, 1900

1 - Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990
2 - Kenny, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844,"


  1. This website is useless. Joseph Smith first saw the Gold Plates on September 22, then he met with the Angel Moroni once a year for 4 years, on September 22, and then Joseph finally received the Gold Plates on September 22, but this page mentions nothing about it. If these important events are omitted, then countless other significant details must also be left out, therefore, this site hold no value at all.

  2. That's too difficult. From 1823-2017, I would have to do 194 searches for just one day of the year. I have 10 days of the year I want to know the events for, so that would total 1,940 separate searches. I could never do that.

    I've seen better formats on other LDS websites in the past, but I can't find them now. On their site, you simply type in a date and it automatically populates all significant events, all throughout the years, for that day.

  3. Today in Mormon HistoryJanuary 24, 2017 at 1:20 PM

    Right -- this site was designed for what happened on this day in Mormon history -- not for a sequential display of history.

    You may want to check out these two sister sites --
    (sequential history up through 1847)
    (sequential church history on various topics)
