125 years ago today - Feb 13, 1899

Heber J. Grant, upset with First Counselor George Q. Cannon Sunday sermon on charity the day before (which Grant "could not help feeling that it was a plea for his son to be forgiven & made a US Senator.") writes: I explained to Prest Snow that I felt very deeply wounded at the sermon which Pres Cannon had preached Sunday in view of the Attack of his son in his speech last Thursday evening. I told him I felt I could not feel well to be obligated to him for the present made me a little over a month ago.[Cannon gave Grant a gift of $1500 on Jan 6] The President agree with me that I would feel better if refunded the amount. I wrote a note to Bro. Cannon and enclosed my check for $1500. . . .I told Prest Snow of my intention to return the 1500 to Bro. Cannon and said he could not blame me for the desire to do so. I am glad he felt this way." George Q. Cannon's son Frank had given a speech "Senatorial Candidates and Pharisees" in which, according to Grant, "He made a vile attack on
Apostle John H[enr]y Smith, the Church, Mr. McCune and myself. He had more to say about me than any one else."

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