115 years ago today - April 4-5, 1905

Today at the afternoon meeting the general authorities were sustained. One person voted against Pres[ident]. Jos[eph]. F. Smith and one against the Apostles. Since the [Reed] Smoot investigation has been on Saint has been working through his emmesaries both at home and abroad to stir up op[p]osition to Pres[ident]. Smith and other general authorities. He is now crying commercialism, charging that the tithes of the people are being wrongfuly used for the benefit of the authorities or for commercial investments to control same for the ag[g]randisement fo the authorities. Also that the Church as such is still practicing polygamy. Along with this comes a faction who hold that plural marriage ought not to have been stopped and that Pres[ident]. Smith should be removed and another put in who would restore it. It was said that it was their expectation that it would be done Sunday of Conference and that among it all quite a number would be present to vote against him Sunday. The people never voted for the authorities with so much energy as upon today.

[Rudger Clawson, Record of Meetings and Activities, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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