135 years ago today - Sep 16, 1883

[Patriarchal Blessing of William Wadley given by Zebedee Coltrin] ... And thou shalt enter the courts of the kings and many of the nobles of the earth shall have and reverence that gospel thou shalt preach unto them. ...

And thou shalt become a mighty prophet in the midst of the Zion of the Lord. And thou shalt be wrapped in the visions of the heavens and shall be clothed with salvation as with a garment. And the Angels of the Lord shall administer unto thee, and converse with thee face to face, and shall make known unto thee the high laws of heaven. ...

And thou shalt become a mighty tiller of the earth, and shall understand all the princiiples [principles] of the cultivation of the soil. ... And thy sons shalt become mighty men before their Lord, and shall be filled with the wisdom of the heavens, and many of them shall become Prophets, and Apostles, Seers and revelators before the Lord, and be kings and priests unto the most high. ... And thy daughters shall be women of great renown, clothed upon with all the principles of eternal salvation, and their sons shall become mighty men before the Lord, and shall remain and reign upon the earth a Thousand years with the Lord, And their daughters shall be holy women and become the mothers of holy, sanctified men and shall dwell in the midst of the sanctified of the Lord.

... I seal all these blessings upon thy head and thee up unto all the powers of exaltation, of thrones, and dominions and powers of eternal lives, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . . Amen.

[Source: Patriarchal Blessings]

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