160 years ago today - Sep 30, 1855 (Council Meeting)

[Brigham Young] I remember I told Thomas B. Marsh one day we shall have more power than we can wield - there is no man but can say he will have more than he can wield they will have all they can do ... Oliver told the lawyer in Michigan he did not believe the Book of Mormon to be true, but he knew it to be true - he died at Far West - Oliver sent me Joseph's first seer stone, Oliver always kept it until he sent it to me - the second seer stone Dr. Williams had - the third one was a very large - and Joseph found two small ones on the beach in Nauvoo - a little larger than a black walnut without the shock on - Joseph said there is a stone for every person on the earth - I don't know that I have ever had a desire to have one ...

[Source: The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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