160 years ago today - Sep 23, 1855

Apostle George A. Smith preaches that Mohammed "was no doubt raised up by God on purpose to scourge the world for their idolatry." He states that Mohammed had, "cautioned his people not to drink wine, or in other words, he had given them a 'word of wisdom.'" He gives a history of Islam and states "I relate this to show you what religious zeal will accomplish." Parley P. Pratt follows Smith and preaches: "Now, if we take Mohammedanism [Islam] during those dark ages, and the corruptions that are so universally prevalent over the earth, and the idolatrous systems of religion, falsely called Christianity, and weigh them in a balance; with all my education in favor of Christian nations and Christian powers, and Christian institutions, so called, with all my prejudices of early youth, and habits of thought and reading, my rational faculties would compel me to admit that the Mahometan history and Mahometan doctrine was a standard raised against the most corrupt and abominable idolatry that over perverted our earth, found in the creeds and worship of Christians, falsely so named."

[Source: On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

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