170 years ago today - May 25, 1841

Lieutenant General Joseph Smith issues General Orders for the Nauvoo Legion: "The 1st Company, (riflemen) 1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment, 2nd Cohort, will be attached to the escort contemplated in the general orders of the 4th inst., for the 3rd of Jul next. In forming the Legion, the Adjutant will observe the rank of companies as follows; to wit: 1st Cohort the flying artillery first, the lancers next, and the riflemen next - visiting companies of dragoons next the lancers, and cavalry next the dragoons: 2nd Cohort - the artillery first, the lancers next, the riflemen next, the light-infantry next, and the infantry next - visiting companies in their appropriate places on the right of said troops of their own grade: the ranking company of the 1st Cohort will be formed on the right of said cohort, and the ranking company of the 2nd Cohort will be formed on the left of said cohort, - he escort will be formed on the right of the forces."

[Source: Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/originsofpower]

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