Today in Mormon History - Jan 30

Brigham Young's office journal records: "Pres. Joseph Young related a dream he had to his brother the President as follows. He saw the first Presidency dealing out land and sections of land to the Brethren. In his dream he frequently saw the President with a Compass and chain in his hand, and sometimes working with it. Br. Joseph remarked he was sure he had dreamed this dream as often as one hundred times. Some of the brethren remarked it looked as if our inheritances would be dealt out to us in Jackson County. The President also related a dream In his dream he saw the children singing and dancing unusually merry, and the people also dancing and merry making with extraordinary energy." (1)
-- 150 years ago today - Jan 30, 1861

[Apostle Abraham H. Cannon Journal] ZCMI deducted tithing before paying wages to employees. (2)
-- 120 years ago today - Jan. 30th, 1891

At a meeting held at Nauvoo, Ill., Joseph Smith was elected sole Trustee for the Church, to hold the office during life, his "successors to be the First Presidency" of the Church. (3)
-- 170 years ago today - Jan 30, 1841 (Saturday)

1 - This Day in Mormon History,
2 - Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts
3 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology

Want more history?

Mormon-Church-History is covering the last year of the life of Joseph Smith:

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