Today in Mormon History - Jan 28

[Same-Sex Marriage] North America West Area Presidency (Loren C. Dunn, President) sends a letter to be read in all California wards, urging members to express their support for legislation against recognition of same-sex marriages being considered in the state. (1)
-- 15 years ago today - Jan 28, 1996

As Joseph Smith is organizing the Twelve Apostles in the assembly room of the Kirtland temple "Pres[ident] Sylvester Smith saw a pillar of fire rest down and abide upon the heads of the quorem . . ." After Sidney Rigdon gives a hosanna shout "Eld[er] Roger Orton saw a mighty Angel riding upon a horse of fire with a flaming sword in his hand followed by five others encircle the house and protect the Saints . . . Pres[ident] William Smith, one of the Twelve, saw the heavens op[e]ned and the Lord's host protecting the Lord's anointed. Pres[ident] Z[ebedee] Coltrin, one of the seven [presidents of the Seventy], saw the Saviour extended before him as upon the cross and crowned with a glory upon his head above the brightness of the sun." (2)
-- 175 years ago today - Jan 28, 1836

Joseph, Emma, Sidney, and Edward Partridge start for Kirtland "T<o>wards the latter part of January." (3)
-- 180 years ago today - 1831 Late January

1 - Crapo, Richley, Chronology Of Mormon / LDS Involvement In Same-Sex Marriage Politics
2 - This Day in Mormon History,
3 - Kenny, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844,"

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