Today in Mormon History - Jan 25

[Utah] Church News Section photograph of LDS basketball team in Germany giving "Sieg Heil: salute of Nazi Party. (1)
-- 75 years ago today - Jan 25,1936

Church Section article "If Christ Came To Germany," with photographs of "prisoners in a German concentration camp." (2)
-- 70 years ago today - Jan 25, 1941

[Apostle Anthony W. Ivins Diary] This evening I called upon Nora Cowley. She says she was married in Canada by a Patriarch. He was sick in bed & not expected to live. Bro. Cowley took her to the house and went in, leaving her on the outside, & told the wife of the sick man he wished a private interview with her husband. The woman went out & Nora entered. The Patriarch was propped up in his bed with bandages around his head. He spoke in a voice so low that she could not hear a word he said. Bro. Cowley told her when to say yes. After he finished she asked Bro. Cowley if that was all. He said, yes. She thought it a singular way to get married. Later Bro. C. warned her to carefully not violate the covenants she had entered into. She said she had made no covenants and called attention to the fact that she did not hear a word of what he said - the Patriarch. [191] Suggested to me by State Department that Mormons in Mexico take no side in revolution. Defend homes if necessary. Dia
z government cannot last much longer. (3)
-- 100 years ago today - Jan. 25th, 1911

1 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, Appendix 5, Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1848-1996
2 - This Day in Mormon History,
3 - Diary Excerpts of Anthony W. Ivins

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