85 years ago today - Aug 9, 1939

[J. Reuben Clark]
[During a meeting with the Presiding Bishopric:] The point was raised by Bishop Richards about a brother on their payroll who is old and blind and can not do his work any more. Brother Richards' question was whether or not they should pension him. It was agreed that we should not talk about pensioning anybody. I observed that there is no more reason why we should pension some bishop or president of stake or other Church worker who had spent his life in service of the Church. It was decided that cases of this kind should be referred to the Bishop involved, who should be instructed to take care of the individual even though we had to furnish the funds to the Bishop. ...

The decision was re-affirmed that no tithing should be requested from people on direct relief or on Old Age pensions, but that all persons earning money, for example W.P.A. workers, would be expected to pay tithing.

[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]

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