195 years ago today - Aug 25, 1829

Articles of agreement made and concluded this first day of April, in the year 1831, between Martin Harris of the first part, and Thomas Lakey of the second part, both of Palmyra in the County of Wayne, and the State of New York, in the manner and form following:

The said Martin Harris, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agrees to sell to the said Thomas Lakey the farm on which he now resides, containing by estimation, one hundred and fifty acres, for the sum of twenty dollars for each acre...



On 7 April 1831, six days after signing the agreement, Harris deeded the land to Lakey ...

[Martin Harris, Mortgage to Egbert B. Grandin, 25 August 1829, Mortgages, Liber 3, 325, Wayne County Clerk's Office, Lyons, New York., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Martin Harris Mortgage]

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