150 years ago today - Aug 20, 1874

Rules that should be observed by Members of the United Order-- RULE 1st.-We will not take the name of the Deity in vain, nor speak lightly of His character or of sacred things. ...

RULE 5th.-We will observe personal cleanliness, and preserve ourselves in all chastity by refraining from adultery, whoredom and lust. We will also discountenance and refrain from all vulgar and obscene language or conduct. ...

RULE 10th.-We will patronize our brethren who are in the Order. ...

RULE 11th.-In our apparel and deportment we will not pattern after nor encourage foolish and extravagant fashions, and cease to import or buy from abroad any article which can be reasonably dispensed with, or which can be produced by combination of home labor. ...

RULE 12th.-We will be simple in our dress and manner of living, using proper economy and prudence in the management of all entrusted to our care.

[Rules That Should be Observed by Members of the United Order, in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]

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