180 years ago today - Aug 18, 1844

President Young arose and said that he had many things to speak of. ...

The report has gone forth through the city that the Twelve has a secret understanding with those men who are going away to take a company with them, that they shall take all they can but the Twelve will blow it up in public but privately wish it to go on. But if it was the last words I had to say before going into the Eternal world I would swear by the Holy Trinity that it was utterly fals and not a word of truth in it.

...And I tel you in the name of Jesus Christ, that if Lyman Wight & Geo Miller take a course contrary to our Council, and will not act in consert with us but take a course against us they will be damned and go to destruction. And if men will not stop striving to be great and exhalted and lead away parties from us and strive to weaken our hands they will fall and not rise again, and I will destroy their influence in this church with the help of God and my brethren.

...It has been whispered about that all that go into the wilderness with Wight and Miller will get their endowment. But they Cannot give an endowment in the wilderness. If we do not Carry out the plan Joseph has laid and the pattern he has given for us to work by we cannot get any further endowment. ...

We shall require the 10th of all your property for the tithing for the building of the Temples the poor and for the Priesthood. ...

The time has come now for bickerings to scease. Their must be a strict order of things, and we are no longer bound to harbor black legs, Counterfieters, boges makers. We know all about them.

They have been in our midst long enough. I advise all the Saints to have no dealing with such men. Let them alone. The time has come that they should be wiped out of our midst. ...

As to the doctors let them go. I can prove that a doctor in this place doctored a woman that was in the family way and did not know it untill she was deliverd, and both woman and Child died, and if you will employ them you will all die, but the time has come when you need no longer to support them.

...I had a dream which I will here relate. I saw a fruit tree, & I went into the tree in search of fruit. I soon discoverd that some of the main branches on top going from the main body was dead. It seemed necessary to cut off the dead branches in order to save the tree. So I told some person to help me cut them off & they steped on to a large green limb. They were afraid it would break, so I put my sholder under it & held it up while he cut off the dead branches. It cracked the green limb but it did not break. After we cut of the dry limbs the wounds healed up and the tree grew finely.) Now let us cut of the dead branches of the Church that good fruit may grow and the voice will soon be herd Go and build Zion and the great Temple of the Lord...

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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