85 years ago today - Aug 10, 1939

[President Heber J. Grant Diary]
I also called at Zion's Securities Company and had a nice long talk with Brother Parker Robison, Manager. He is very anxious to publish Orson Pratt's works again. I told him that I doubted the wisdom of doing this but that I believed Orson Pratt was the greatest scriptorian, mathematician, and astronomer the Church has ever known. I would like some of the Brethren to go over his writings, however, before they are published, because we have heard there were some complaints about them when I was first made an Apostle, and I thought it should be considered very carefully before publishing it. I also heard complaints about his grandfather's writing of 'The Voice of Warning.'

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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