180 years ago today - Aug 2, 1844

[Patriarchal Blessing of Joseph C. Kingsbury]
.... The weakest of thy sons shall be like David of old. Thy daughters also shall be honorable amongst the Saints. I seal this blessing also upon their heads throughout all their generations. Thy name shall be had in honorable remembrance to the end of time.

... thousands shall obey the Gospel through thy teachings and no power shall stay thine hand, no enemies shall prevail against thee for the angels of the Lord shall chase them away. Kings and Rulers and great men of the earth shall tremble at thy word. Thou shalt bring thy tens of thousands to Zion and thy Companion shall be there and shall spread a table for she shall have an abundance of the good things of the earth and thou shalt sit at the head of the table and bless the food with all thy believing children that thou has gathered out from among the nations in the name of the Lord.

Thou shalt live to see the Temple which the Lord hath said shall be built in this generation. ... I seal thee up to eternal life, Amen.

[Patriarchal Blessings]

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