75 years ago today - Jul 15, 1949

[David O. McKay]
8:30 a.m.'William W. Seegmiller called by appointment at his request'discussed the liquor problem, and the question of reducing the price of liquor here in the State. Bro. Seegmiller reported that Chairman of the Liquor Commission said to him: 'The Governor won't do anything about it'I understand the Governor isn't going to commit himself until he consults McKay.' Bro. Seegmiller said he answered him: 'Do you mean President McKay?' The Chairman said 'Yes.' Bro. Seegmiller said he said: 'If that is the case, I am going to call President McKay right now and ask him when he has the appointment.'

Brother Seegmiller and I both look with disfavor upon the reducing of the cost of liquor: first, because it will increase consumption, and (2) it will in all likelihood decrease the revenue to the State.

I told Brother Seegmiller, I did not thing it would be wise for me to call the Governor on this matter, but if he (the Governor) calls me I should be pleased to discuss the question with him. ...

[David O. McKay Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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