145 years ago today - Jul 31, 1879

[George Q. Cannon]
Efforts were being made by our attorneys to get us relieved from imprisonment by giving bonds. Sutherland and McBride and Tilford and Hagan, the plaintiff's lawyers, are willing to take a bond from us of $150,000, the condition of which is that if at the final trial and decision of the case that amount or any less amount be adjudged against us, we shall pay it. Our attorneys urge us to give this bond and avoid going to prison. ... To my mind it is as plain as the light of day that I shall not ask any of my brethren to go on this bond. I shall go to prison rather than do this. We have already given bonds as executors for $100,000 each. All that we have in the world is pledged on these bonds. If we give a new bond of $150,000 we drag more of our brethren into trouble should the courts decide against us. In that event we should be stripped ourselves and jeopardize them.

[George Q. Cannon, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

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