150 years ago today - Jul 28, 1874

[Patriarchal Blessing of Jacob Hamblin given by David Tyler]
.... Satan has laid many plans to destroy thee, but thy guardian Angiles [Angels] have delivered thee out of his power; they will continue to deliver thee until the fullness of thy work is accomplished upon the earth and if thou dost desire it, with all thy heart thou shalt live to behold thy redeemer in the flesh.

...Thou shalt lead thy thousands in the redemption of Zion and behold her waste places built up never more to be thrown down. Thy influence with the Lamanites shall increase until thy word shall be unto them as the word of God. Those Nephites who have remained upon the earth shall minister unto thee.

... Thou shalt be one of the hundred and forty-four thousand who ascends to the God head. ...

[Patriarchal Blessings]

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