185 years ago today - July 23, 1839

Joseph Smith:

"I told Don Carlos and George A. Smith to go and visit all the sick, exercise mighty faith, and administer to them in the name of Jesus Christ, commanding the destroyer to depart, and the people to arise and walk, and not leave a single person on the bed between my house and Ebenezer Robinson's, two miles distant." (History of the Church, vol. 4, p. 398-399)

These brethren did as the Prophet envisioned and, in faith, administered to (and healed) sixty persons or more. Many of these souls thought they would never sit up again and yet were healed. Some, after being healed, arose from their beds to assist others who were sick.

[A Timeline of Joseph Smith's Prophecies: His Prophecies Fulfilled (https://amzn.to/42s0h3I)]

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