185 years ago today - Jul 12, 1839

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]
Assisted in looking over the proof sheet of the first number of the Times & seasons. ...

Joseph Called upon the Twelve to call & visit father Smith /is 68 years of age this day/ & lay hands upon him that he might be healed for he was sick & nigh unto death. We lade hands upon him & he received /[6 sick?]/ a blessing. The thought struck me that the Lord would add unto his life fifteen years, & to Close the scenes of this day, we received the glorious intelligence of the happy deliverence of PARLEY P. PRATT from Prision whare he had been Confined seven months for the cause of God. Brother Morris Phelps was also delivered with Parley. They delivered themselves on the fourth day of July above the setting of the Sun by running over the Jailor & esscaping out of thir hands by mounting some horses that were prepared for that purpose by Orson Pratt, Sister Phelps & others. They were closely persued by the mob & narrowly escaped by leaving behind them their horses Saddles bridles & hats & arived in Quincy on the 10th of July making six days on the road.

They are now all liberated but two persons viz King Follet & Luman Gibbs. King Follet got out of Prision with Parley but was retaken. May the remainder soon be deliverd I Pray. But Blessed be the Lord God for his mercy in delivering the Saints from prision. <Distance of the day> 8.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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