170 years ago today - Jul 16, 1854

[Heber C. Kimball]
". . . our females . . . are not unclean, for we wipe all unclean ones from our midst: we not only wipe them from our streets, but we wipe them out of existence...so help me God, while I live, I will lend my hand to wipe such persons out: and I know this people will."

"These are my views, and the Lord knows that I believe in the principles of sanctification; and when I am guilty of seducing any man's wife, or any woman in God's world, I say, sever my head from my body."

[Heber C Kimball (First Presidency), Millennial Star, vol. 16, p. 739; also printed in the Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 19-20; Mormon Bookshelf: Blood Atonement, http://mormonbookshelf.com/wiki/Blood_Atonement]

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