95 years ago today - Jan 1, 1929

... Those who do ordinance work have not the right to make matches between people who are deceased, except in cases of persons who were married in life. ... In the performance of work for the dead, the right of heirship (blood relationship) should be sacredly regarded. ... As a rule the eldest living MALE representative of the family, who is a member of the Church, is the recognized heir. ... The garments to be used in the Temple must be of what is known as the old style, clean and of white material. At least one year should be allowed to elapse after [the] death of individuals before Temple ordinances are performed in their behalf, unless it is known the deceased were faithful members of the Church or that they were prepared to obey the Gospel before their death. A living woman cannot receive endowments while her husband is alive, if the husband has not been endowed. Persons who committed murder or suicide, or who apostatized or were excommunicated from the Church, cannot be
officiated for except by special permission of the President of the Temple. ... The Saints who enter the sacred building should be properly prepared. Their bodies should be scrupulously clean. ... Males over 21 or females over 18 years of age, are not permitted to witness or take part in any Temple ordinances, except baptism for the dead, until they have received their own endowments. ... There is no charge made by the Temple authorities for performance of the ordinances, but, when proxies have to be obtained to act in endowments for the dead, which occupies the time of an entire session in Temple work, it is customary to pay such proxies a small sum, to partly remunerate them for personal expenses; usually a man receives 75 cents, and a woman 50 cents for such service.

[For stake presidents, bishops, and genealogical committees in the Logan Temple District, Jan. 1, 1929; emphasis in original, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

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