185 years ago today - Jan 10, 1839

Patriarchal blessing of Joseph Holbrook ... Thy name is registered in heaven and the angels rejoice at thy birth and notwithstanding thy trials, thy blessings shall be great to thee. Thy name shall be sounded to the remotest parts of the earth and thy name shall become honorable among Kings and Princes ... for thou shalt yet have the power and rejoice in the spirit when one shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to f[l]ight ... thou shalt yet sit in council with the sons of the west and thou salt be a Father to them and thou shalt aid to feed them and to clothe them and to fill the store house of the Lord for them and thy days shall be extended to see Babylon fall and thou shalt reign with the Saviour ...

[Patriarchal Blessings]

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