175 years ago today - Jan 9, 1849

[Wilford Woodruff]
Capt Dan Jones ... the sum total He had raised up in that Country was represented at the general conference of Manchester England Aug 14th 1848 amounting to 2,747 member. The whole representation at this general conference of England Scotland & wales was 17,902 members 350 branches ... Elder Jones Adds I have published in the welch language 48 different kinds And size of Pamphlets comprising more original matter than the Book of Mormon Doctrins & Covenants & voice of warning And have circulated one million Eight hundred thousand of Pages ...

I have been Enabled to subdue my foes Many of the gifts of the spirit are manifest. One young man who had been Deef & Dumb 8 years was healed when coming up out of the waters of Baptism so he both herd and spake. Was ordained to the Priesthood And is now preaching the gospel with success. Capt Jones is Adding 150 per month.

... I have been of late stiring up the saints to Pay their tithing. I have visited many of the conferences for this purpose. I feel incouraged to Believe I shall gather A good sum for the Temple. Their Are 4 persons expecting to come in Possession of large sums of money before I go to America. From them I expect to get several thousand pounds As tithing to gladden the hearts of the saints in the valley.

... O Pratt thinks it would take 300 ships to carry the british saints at the present time. ...

The Papel Crown has At length fallen. It looks As though the Beastly power of Mobocracy spoken of in Revelations was likely to destroy the dominion of the Mother of Abominations spedily. ...

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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