135 years ago today - Jan 2, 1889

Pres[iden]t [Wilford] Woodruff & Elder [L. John] Nuttall attended a meeting of the brethren of the Apostles & Sisters of the Relief Society & others of the Historian's Office as per previous appointment, to consider the question of the organization of the Ladies of Utah into a Territorial Woman's Suffrage Ass[ciatio]n. ... Elder H[eber]. J. Grant moved that the Ladies of Utah proceed to organize a Woman's Suffrage Association in Utah Territory, and that the organization when completed if it is deemed practicable, appoint one or more Delegates to attend the National Womans Suffrage Ass[ociatio]n at Washington D.C. Jan[uary] 28 [18]89, with the proper credentials to report the organization. Seconded by Sister Z. D. H. Young, and carried.

[First Presidency Office Journal, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

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