[George Q. Cannon]
At twelve o-clock we had a meeting of the Deseret News Company which adjourned just in time to permit us who were members of that company, Brothers Joseph F. Smith, Franklin D. Richards and myself, to reach the Temple for the meeting appointed by the council. We attended to some items of business before we clothed ourselves. Brother H. J. Grant was called upon by me to pray and President Lorenzo <Snow> to be mouth in the circle. We had a very sweet time and all enjoyed it exceedingly. This is the first circle meeting held in the room of the First Presidency, and with the exception of the large circle formed in the celestial room on the 20th ult. when the presidents of stakes, etc., met, it is the first circle held in the Temple. It was a cause of pleasure and gratification to us to think that we could meet in so beautiful a place with such heavenly surroundings away from the world of business and noise and attend to business for the Church of the Lamb and also to offer our prayers to the Lord in behalf of His Zion.
After I returned to the office word reached me that President Woodruff was worse and was in a semi-comatose condition. ...
[The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
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