125 years ago today - Aug 19, 1897; Thursday

The First Presidency, at their office this morning, appropriated the sum of $555 to the Willow Creek Ward towards a new meeting house. The amount from the present year's tithing less five per cent losses and ten per cent handling. The full amount being about $650.

At 11 A.M. the First Presidency and Apostles met at the Temple. Pres[ident]. Jos[eph]. F. Smith drew attention to the fact that some of the [Joseph] Smith family who had died had not received the Temple ordinances, and asked in relation to William Smith and Emma Smith, brother and wife of the Prophet. Pres[ident]. [Wilford] Woodruff thought it was better to leave those persons in the hands of the Prophet himself. ...

Pres[ident]. Woodruff explained some things in connection with Bro[ther]. Orson Hyde's repentance. After his wrongdoing, he was endeavoring to cross the Mississippi River and was thrown into the water, but floated onto some driftwood and while clinging to it in a drowning condition, he called upon the Lord to spare his life, promising that he would repent, confess his sins and ask those whom he had wronged to forgive him. This he subsequently carried into effect, and manifesting sincere repentance he was forgiven. ...

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

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