130 years ago today - Aug 12, 1887 • Friday

[George Q. Cannon]
.. in our Council to-day Bro. Moses Thatcher made a motion that Brother Woodruff be permitted to draw to the extent of $5000./ per annum; Bro. L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, myself, Jos. F. Smith, and Brigham Young, $3000/ each, in Cash. This caused considerable discussion. Bro. Jos. F. Smith informed the brethren that he and I had been drawing at the rate of $3600/ per year, at the instance of President Taylor, and thought that as our whole time was occupied as it was, and with our large families, it was as little as we should have. The brethren talked very freely, some of them insisting on making it $3600/ per year for all whose names are above mentioned, and this vote would have carried if I had not protested against it. I told them that I thought $3000/ was enough, under the circumstances, and it would have a good effect to be known that we were not drawing large sums from the Church. For myself, if I had the means, it would be a source of great gratification to me to be able to sustain myself without drawing a cent, and to bestow my services gratuitiously upon the Church; but as I was not in this position, I was compelled, very reluctantly, to draw something for the support of my family. The feeling manifested by the brethren was very good, and it was gratifying to hear the kind expressions concerning the older members of the Twelve.

[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]

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