180 years ago today - Jun 7, 1837

Patriarchal Blessing of John Wesley Clark given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ...

At a blessing meeting held in the Lord's house in Kirtland ... Thou hast not had a perfect understanding of the faith notwithstanding thou hast been ordained to the office of a teacher. The enemy has power over thee and afflicts thee with fits. God [illegible] between thee and Satan. The enemy shall not have power over thee. ... The time shall come when thy father shall acknowledge this as his blessing The time will come when thou shalt through faith, get the victory over the disease which now troubles thee. The disease shall stand rebuked. Thou shalt get power over the devil and the devil shall not have power of thee. ... Thou shalt stand among the one hundred & forty four thousand that shall stand with the lamb on Mt Zion. ... thou shalt do all manner of miracles Thou shalt have power over winds and tempests, over waters and waves. and over fires, No prison bars nor gates shall hold thee, for thou shalt have the mighty power of God. Thou shalt have power to see thy Savior and behold him as he is. Thou must live near the bleeding side of thy Savior.... This is thy blessing. I seal it on thy head I seal the[e] up to eternal life. Amen.

[Source: Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:128-129, in Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]

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