175 years ago today - 1836: 9 April

[Patriarchal Blessings] Delcena Diadamia Sherman. (Given by Joseph Smith, Sen.)

"Sister Sherman. I lay my hands upon thy head, in the name of Jesus Christ to bless thee, and thou shalt receive a blessing with thy husband, and the Lord shall bless thee, so thy soul shall be drawn after the good of souls, so thou shalt be with thy Husband and he shall go to declare the things of the kingdom and he shall return yea many times shall he return, and at the end of his labors he shall return, and you shall be blessed together, and thy soul shall be blessed with all the blessings of Heaven inasmuch as thou shalt ask in righteousness.

And these things I promise to thee, and ask my Heavenly Father to seal them for a comfort for thee and thy children. Amen." (From photocopy of handwritten copy, private collection.) [Age, ?; Scribe, Benjamin F. Johnson.]

[Source: Selected LDS Patriarchal Blessings, New Mormon Studies CD ROM, Signature Book, 2009, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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