85 years ago today - Sep 11, 1939

[President Heber J. Grant Diary]
The First Presidency were together awhile and I told them I thought maybe I ought to go away for a week or two and have a rest and call on the Twentieth Century-Fox Film people and make sure they were not going to use anything from the book written by Vardis Fisher. I asked Brother John A. Widtsoe to mark a lot of passages that I ought to read in the book, which he did. I requested Brother Harold B. Lee to call on Parker P. Robison and inquire about our Segolite Soap business. ...

Tonight I read a number of passages in the book 'Children of God' which Brother Widtsoe has marked for me. I am thoroughly disgusted with what a dirty, miserable, contemptible book it is. There ought to be a law that such a book would not be permitted to go through the mail.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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