50 years ago today - Sep 18, 1974-Wednesday

[Leonard Arrington]
.... They told a number of stories about them such as the daughter of a stake president, who was showing very heavily with child, who came into their home, saw a carton of empty coke bottles on the floor. "You certainly don't drink coke, do you," she said. Another girl, a daughter of a bishop, only fifteen years old, who was pregnant, stayed with them. The Christensens asked her which she thought was worse, to smoke or to commit adultery. She thought and thought, was very serious, and thought and thought, and finally she said she thought it was worse to smoke.

We talked about the matter of telling the truth in Church history to young people. Sister [Marlene] Christensen felt strongly that we must be very careful with children ages three through seven but that young people in their teens ought to be told enough to recognize that Church officials have their faults and shortcomings and ought to be told, for example, that Brigham Young once chewed tobacco.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

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