140 years ago today - Sep 20, 1884

Lorenzo Saunders was first interviewed by William H. Kelley [RLDS] on 17 September 1884 [regarding Joseph Smith in Palmyra, see http://bit.ly/ZwQNU5]. But Kelley evidently returned on 20 September with a different version of the interview, which rearranged and deleted a number of the questions and answers, but retained nearly identical wording. Following his brother's instructions, Kelley read this version to Saunders and had him sign it before a notary public.

[Lorenzo Saunders, Interviewed by William H. Kelley, 20 September 1884, 1-7, "Miscellany," RLDS Church Library-Archives, Independence, Missouri., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Lorenzo Saunders Interview]

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