110 years ago today - Sep 3, 1914

[Meeting of First Presidency and Council of Twelve]
....Bro[ther]. Grant reported on behalf of a committee, consisting of Bro[ther]s. Talmage, Evan Stephens and himself, appointed to investigate the merits of the recommendation ... that the tabernacle organ be re-constructed and made practically new, at a cost of $53,000., the bid of the Austin Organ Co[mpany]. of Hartford, Conn[ecticut].

The recommendation of the committee was that the proposition of Bro[ther]. McClellan, Cannon and Toronto be not entertained, and that the proposed new organ for the tabernacle be not ordered, at least for the present, but that if the organ is in the condition Bro[ther]s. McClellan and Toronto and Cannon say it is, the committee felt that the necessary repairs should be made.

The recommendation of the committee became the sense of the Council, on motion of Bro[ther]. Joseph F[ielding]. Smith Jr. ...

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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