145 years ago today - Mar 1, 1879

[Wilford Woodruff]
March 1, 1879 At 10 oclok this morning I followed John D. T McAllister into the Creation Room in St George Temple. I there met with 159 Brethren and Sisters who had met to get their Endowments for the Dead and all but ten of them had met to get Endowments for my Dead friends as a Birth day Present for me. 100 women & 48 Men were going through for me. My appearance in the Room was a great surprise to the Company for they did not Know that I was in the City.

My first Salutation as I Entered into the Room was Hosannah to God and the Lamb. Glory Alleluia. God Bless Zion, God Bless the Saints, God Bless those who are here. By this time many Eyes were filled with Tears. I went through the labors of the day and officiated .... Then I went to the Altar in Company with sister Mariah Marks Harmon who officiated as Proxy for my Dead friends And I had sealed to me at the Altar 74 single women who were Dead which makes 267 in all of the dead single women who have been sealed to me in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City, and in the St George Temple.

I also was sealed to day for 65 Couple of dead friends of the Hart family Making 139 sealings and 7 Adoptions Making 146 sealings and Adoptions in one day. I think it is the most sealings Ever Administered to any one Couple in one day and at one time in this generation if not in this world.

I was weary in body. I remained in the Temple untill 8 oclok then I walked up to E Snows and spent the night And felt thankful to God my heavenly father for the Blessings I had obtained upon this my Birth day.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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